
Prayer of the Day

Saturday, December 5, 2015

NOT ONLY MUST WE PRAY (& pray more BUT ALSO PRAY 4 MORE GUNS,NOT LESS! "San Bernardino, Prayer Shaming, and a Better Way" | The Exchange | A Blog by Ed Stetzer

NOT ONLY MUST WE PRAY (& pray more BUT ALSO PRAY 4 MORE GUNS,NOT LESS! "Prayer Shaming After San Bernardino Shooting: What's 'Doing Something'? ...yes,I say MORE guns,not less,gun control is GOOD ro keep weapons out of the hands of the mentally ill & those with criminal records,but that won't keep them out of the hands of those without criminal records such as the shooters in san bernardino. And if we say NO MORE GUNS at all,this won't make the millions or billions of guns already here go away. The bad guys will always be able to get,find,buy,or even make a gun or bomb,etc. But if MORE GOOD GUYS have guns,they can defend against such crimes & stop or limit some of these tragedies.And considering how many people sit behind DEADLY WEAPONS every single day & don't use them to kill others (ie cars,trucks,etc) we have a lot of good or at least decent citizens who have enough impulse control that if we can trust them with a deadly weapon such as a car,why can't we trust them with a gun? And guns give us a sense of dignity,even manhood. I myself grew up learning how to shoot a 12-gauge shotgon in michigan which I used for goose & deer hunting. It was a rite of passage until my older liberalized brother sold my gun without my knowledge or permission (by this time I was in california).. But that's a different story.Pray for my liberal brother andrew who has lost his manliness. And here in california the cops try to emasculate us too often. And too often after these tragedies,its the good citizens who get punished by the increased ACT of more diligence by police. They start ACTING as if they are being more alert,more concerned etc.and so they start going thru the ACT Of pretending they need to check & double-check all the good citizens for guns as we enter venues,sport events etc. The feds FAILED to stop the san berdu tragedy,and the same feds want to add insult to injury by trying to limit us even more in our right to defend ourselves by clamoring for LESS guns,when they & we should be clamoring for MORE guns,just like it was in the "old days" where every household had a gun or guns for hunting,self-defense,etc. We have the LEGAL RIGHT,guaranteed by our constitution,and they want to change that as well..Folks & friends,STAND STRONG! We are AMERICANS,born free! With the help of God we can stand together & stop the killing fields here in the USA (including the abortion industry) but not if the liberals emasculate us even more so.Don't let them kill us.Stand strong.Be strong.We are Americans,born FREE! (By -vk-)